Shared Hosting
- Standard Performance
- First page loading - 7.5 seconds
- All costs of external email services
- Free SSL Certificate
- Daily Scheduled Backups - VaultPress
- restoration of your website in case of damage
- iThemes Security Plugin
- Update Theme and Plugins
Amazon Hosting
- High Performance
- First page loading - 1.2 seconds
- All costs of external email services
- Free SSL Certificate
- Hourly scheduled backups
- restoration of your website in case of damage
- iThemes Security Plugin
- Update Theme and Plugins
Shared Hosting
- Standard Performance
- First page loading - 7.5 seconds
- All costs of external email services
- Free SSL Certificate
- Daily Scheduled Backups - CodeGuard
- restoration of your website in case of damage
Amazon Hosting
- High Performance
- First page loading - 0.8 seconds
- All costs of external email services
- Free SSL Certificate
- Hourly scheduled backups
- restoration of your website in case of damage